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Siren Head

Name: Siren Head, Gender: Female

Siren Head is a 40-foot-tall and the height middle is 100-foot 30 meters and the maximum height is 328-foot 100 meters humanoid creature with a heavily emaciated, near-skeletal frame covered in dried, mummified flesh the color of rusty metal.


Cartoon Cat

Name: Cartoon Cat, Gender: Male

Cartoon Cat has many abilities that back up his reputation among all other monsters as a very dangerous creature. It is implied that he has shapeshifting abilities like a typical 30s rubber hose cartoons, able to change his size and the length, presence and absence of his limbs, as he is “malleable”, as Trevor states.


Big Charlie

Name: Big Charlie, Gender: Male

Big Charlie is a large mammal-like creature, it resembles some sort of cattle, yet, at the same time, it has a beak-like protrusion on the tip of its mouth. Its body is so skinny that that you can see its rib cage. It also has a thick dark mane that goes from its head to the back of the creature.


Cartoon Dog

Name: Cartoon Dog, Gender: Female

The pictures of Cartoon Dog depict two different variations of the creature. The first image depicts the creature with a muzzle and floppy ears, which represent those of a typical dog shows in cartoons. The creature seems to have its limbs swapped (arms as its legs, and its legs as its arms.)


Lil Nugget

Name: Lil Nugget, Gender: Possibly Male

Lil' Nugget depicts small, fleshy, four-legged creature with a disproportionately large oval-shaped head and two large googly 'eyes' that are almost always mismatched in area, with one being much bigger than the other. These fake eyes frequently fall off, as the creatures themselves don't actually have eyes.


Void Nugget

Name: Void Nugget, Gender: Possibly Male

Nugget, formerly known as "Void Nugget", and also known as "Other Nugget" is a mysterious and ominous creature, presumed to be a seldom-to-appear evolution of Lil' Nugget. Almost nothing is known about it, but it is described as having "Strange Powers".


Aircraft Shark

Name: Aircraft Shark, Gender: Male and Female

Aircraft Sharks are unusually large, dark grey creatures that resemble sharks, but have grossly elongated tails.


The Stranger

Name: The Stranger, Gender: Male

The Stranger is a tall, slender figure with a large head, which in reality is a warped, pale-ish mask with huge eyes, and small ears. Although the Stranger's actual face was never revealed, in an artwork, we presumably get a look at his teeth, which appear to be sharp and inhuman.


Breaking News

Name: Breaking News, Gender: Male

Breaking News depicts a terrifyingly tall creature with a vaguely humanoid appearance, although somewhat twisted and disfigured. Its entire body is covered in what appears to be jet-black skin that has difficulty reflecting light off of it. This strange skin encompasses the creature's whole twisted body, head-to-toe.


The Smile Room

Name: The Smile Room, Gender: Genderless

The Smile Room is something very grotesque and considerably cosmic, it's a man-eating wormhole between our universe and the mouth of a giant almost deceased eldritch abomination likely from another reality.


Light Tentacles

Name: Light Tentacles, Gender: Unknown

Light tentacles is a large, destructive, creature that aims to destroy human life and several all connections to the Veil. It has been theorised, based on observing it's destruction of other planets, that it would take it a year to destroy earth completely, but only four months to eliminate all life on earth. The Veil knights are rallying to figure out the limits of the creature, and set up more and more bases inside the Veil, to be better prepared. It is going to reach earth in 2178 by current predictions.


Sky Tentacles

Name: Sky Tentacles, Gender: Unknown

The Sky Tentacles depict four large, jet-black tentacles coming out of what appears to be a rift in the sky. The tentacles themselves are of varying lengths and resemble the legs of a spider, specifically a tarantula due to having many dark hairs or possibly spikes covering them. the tall is 4 kilometers speed 56 mph clevernessis 200 IQ.


Forgotten Baby

Name: Forgotten Baby/Pink Man, Gender: Genderless otherwise Male

The Forgotten Baby/Pink Man is a grotesque, gangling humanoid creature, seen poking its head and a portion of its body through the doorway of a dimly-lit blue bedroom. It is covered in pale pink-ish skin. Since it is not fully visible. the other half of its body is left to imagination. Due to this, it's unknown if it is a biped or a quadruped (although photo examinations have suggested that the former is the case).


The Smile Room Host

Name: The Smile Room Host, Gender: Unknown

The Smile Room Host is the infected body of what seems to have formerly been a human who somehow got lost in The Smile Room. This creature roams The Smile Room trying to find any humans to either consume or infect them.


Bridge Worm

Name: Bridge Worm, Gender: Varies

The Bridge Worm is a creature created by Trevor Henderson on August 14, 2019. As their name implies, the Bridge Worms tend to lair beneath bridges and other overpasses. They are known for using fake faces to lure their prey and then eat them when it was too late.


Bridge Worm

Name: God of Roadkill, Gender: Male

The God of Roadkill is the god of dead animals that were killed on roads. His job is to take their souls to "the other side". According to Trevor, he is really sad and angry, but he never explained why. However, it can be assumed that he is in that state due to the number of animals that die on the roads every day.



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